A Smash Mouth Hotline That Plays Nothing But "All Star" Is Here For You

phone number plays nothing but Smash Mouth's All Star when you call it

"Somebody once told me, the world is gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed..."

Now that you have that earworm playing in your head, this seems like the perfect time to talk about Smash Mouth's hit song, "All Star," a song that seemed inescapable more than a decade ago thanks to its constant appearance in movies, TV and on the radio. 

After all, Smash Mouth "All Star" was one of the band's biggest hits, with the song peaking at No. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100 having a prominent role in the "Shrek" franchise. 

Now, in the true spirit of people on the internet creating things that are both useless and genius at the same time, we'd like to introduce you to a hotline that was set up by a Twitter user last year that plays nothing but "All Star" over and over again.

Twitter user Kyle Kelly-Yahner says he set the phone number up last year to troll people, but the number found new life on Twitter this week after someone re-posted the hotline as the perfect "decoy" number for women who don't want to give their digits to creeps. 

Simply dial (830) 476-5664 and enjoy a throwback to the sweet dulcet sounds of 1999.

People can also text the number to receive a link to the Genius lyrics for Smash Mouth's hit - which could come in handy the next time you're in a bar and want to belt out the lyrics for karaoke. 

As it turns out, people really want to hear a tinny version of "All Star" playing through their phone handset. Kyle notes that people made more than 100,000 calls in one night to the number, adding that the internet "is a strange, wonderful place." 

Photo: Getty Images

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