The Martha Quinn Show

The Martha Quinn Show

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Val Kilmer Discusses 'Top Gun: Maverick"

Val Kilmer recently discussed returning as 'Iceman' in Top Gun: Maverick and how he felt about the whole experience.

Val said, "The experience was like being reunited with a long-lost friend." He continued, "The characters never really go away. They live on in deep freeze. If you’ll pardon the pun." He added, "My main joy was the camaraderie of the cast, [producers] Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer, along with the incredible, unflappable enthusiasm of Tony Scott and Tom Cruise. My crew was Rick Rossovich [who played 'Slider'], the funniest strong man in show business back then, and Barry Tubb ['Wolfman']… Oh, we all laughed till we fell down the hot, spiked crabgrass at the Holiday Inn in San Diego."

Photo Credit: Getty

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