If you’ve been thinking about donating to a charitable cause get ‘er done before December 31. This year there are expanded tax benefits. You may take a charitable deduction of up to $600 without itemizing your 2021 tax deductions. Normally if you take the standard deduction you can’t deduct charitable support so this change is making it so the almost 90% of Americans who file that way can support qualified organizations.
So who does the IRS say is a qualified organization?
1. Your aunt Edna’s Gofund me for her new deck? Sadly no, Aunt Edna qualifies as an individual and is not eligible
2. Me Martha Quinn if I was running for President? Nope! Money given to political groups or candidates for public office isn’t deductible
3. What about Muttville, the Senior Dog Rescue organization here in San Francisco? Two paws up! Organizations that operate for the prevention of cruelty to animals qualify.
THE IRS has a tax-exempt organization search on IRS.GOV so you can make sure you’re donating to a qualified organization