If any one year truly belonged to Prince, 1984 was that year! Right the midst of everything Purple Rain - the movie, the soundtrack, the tour,he was also writing and recording nearly a song a day for proteges like Sheila E., The Time, and The Family. One of those singles, “Manic Monday,” would become a breakout hit for the Bangles. Their version of the song skyrocketed to number 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1985, just behind Prince’s number 1 hit “Kiss.” Even to this day, the Bangles’ Susanna Hoffs still remembers when she first heard Prince's original rendition of the song. "I knew it was an incredible gift," she told the New York Times. "It was like putting on the slipper in a fairy tale." For over 30 years, she and her Bangles bandmates were some of the only people in the world to have heard it — until now. Prince's version of "Manic Monday" is one of the 15 tracks included on the new album "Originals," a collection of Prince's versions of the hit songs he gave to other artists. This video is also amazing as it sheds little on the countless hours he spent rehearsing with his band, The Revolution. I really dig how you can spot them working on the choreography for the dance sequence of the "When Doves Cry" music video. Check it out. you will love it! I can't wait to get my deluxe vinyl copy of Prince new Originals album!
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