I still can't get over the sudden loss of Bob Saget, known the world over as Danny Tanner on Full House. On the show, he had three daughters (DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle) and in life, he had three daughters, Aubrey, Lara Melanie, and Jennifer Belle. Aubrey, 34, shared the last text she got from her dad. It touched my heart and reminded me, you never ever know when a text you send, and interaction you have, might be your last.
Bob's last text he sent Aubrey read: "Thank u. Love u. Showtime!"
Putting myself in Bob's shoes if I was going to text my 24-year old daughter Annabelle I would say: "Best daughter ever, love forever." If you were going to send a 5-word text to a loved one, that might be your last, what would you say??