Credit reports show how reliable you are to loan money by looking at information like if you’ve made late payments or MISSED payments, or declared bankruptcy. It’s your “how well you handle money” report card.
You want to see this information because your credit report affects your ability to get a loan or even a job. PLUS your credit report can potentially alert you to identity theft. You might see you were denied a loan that you didn’t apply for.
Normally you’re allowed to see your credit report once a year for free. Right NOW because it’s tax season and the pandemic is making things crazy financially, you can get your credit report once a WEEK for free thru April. - This site, mandated by the federal government, lets you pull your full credit reports from all three major bureaus for free, once a year. This pull does not impact your credit score. -- Note: due to the pandemic, you can pull each report once a week through April 2021!
Photo Credit: Getty