A few California counties are expanding into Phase 2 of reopening, this includes El Dorado County, the home of the city of South Lake Tahoe. However, if you're thinking about heading to Lake Tahoe for a Memorial Day weekend, think again. Businesses and some restaurants will be able to open as long as they can adhere to social distancing protocols but the are open for locals only. If you aren't a Tahoe local or if you don't own a home in the area law enforcement wants you to stay away. Tahoe is still essentially closed for "tourism.".
South Lake Tahoe Mayor Jason Collin said in an interview with SF Gate, "We don’t want to be fining people. We just want people to stay home right now. We just want to make sure we’re doing everything to keep our community safe. We are a tourism economy and we embrace everyone who comes to Tahoe in this place everyone calls home. But right now, we want to make sure we’re protecting the community that is here full-time." Offending out-of-towners and Airbnb owners trying to skirt the system could face fines of $1,000 if they get cited by police.
Currently there is a hold on vacation rentals and hotels so if you did head to the area it might be difficult to find a place to stay. El Dorado County is hoping to see a downturn in COVID-19 cases making it possible to move into Phase 3 of reopening hotels and hospitality services by mid June.