If you need a caffeine fix and you are watching your calories, don't worry there are plenty of options. Popsugar shared a list of coffee drinks at Starbucks that are all under 150 calories. Check them out.
- Caffè Misto; a one-to-one mix of fresh brewed coffee and steamed milk: 80 calories (two percent milk), 40 calories (almond milk)
- Caffè Latte; espresso with steamed milk and a light layer of foam: 150 calories (two percent milk), 80 calories (almond milk)
- Cappuccino; espresso with a thick layer of thick foam: 90 calories (two percent milk), 80 calories (almond milk)
- Caramel Macchiato; freshly steamed milk with vanilla-flavored syrup and espresso, topped with caramel drizzle: 150 calories (nonfat milk), 130 calories (almond milk)
- Vanilla Latte; espresso blended with creamy steamed milk and vanilla syrup: 150 calories (nonfat milk), 90 calories (almond milk)
- Iced Caffè Latte; espresso with milk, served over ice: 100 calories (two percent milk), 50 calories (almond milk)
- Iced Vanilla Latte; espresso blended with milk and vanilla syrup, served over ice: 140 calorie (two percent milk), 120 calories (coconut milk)
- Iced Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte; espresso, steamed nonfat milk, sugar-free cinnamon-dolce-flavored syrup, cinnamon dolce topping, served over ice: 60 calories
- Iced Coconutmilk Mocha Macchiato; chilled Sumatran coconut milk, white chocolate mocha, and espresso roast with caramel drizzle and a swirl of mocha: 150 calories (almond milk)
- Caramel Light Frappuccino Blended Coffee; buttery caramel syrup combined with Frappuccino roast coffee, nonfat milk, and ice: 100 calories
- Caffè Vanilla Light Frappuccino Blended Coffee; blended Frappuccino roast coffee, vanilla bean powder, nonfat milk, and ice: 130 calories
- Coffee Light Frappuccino Blended Coffee; Starbucks coffee blended with nonfat milk and ice: 90 calories